click on the picture to enlarge.
A travel journal....a diary....a place to kick back a bit. Laughter and poignancy are correct here. Rants are, well, for my OTHER blog.
Clench them butt cheeks ! Talk about "pucker power"!
And Yes, Officer, alcohol WAS involved....
Katherine has not had a chance to build a helm either, so she sticks to a hockey helmet. Which will do for awhile anyway.
Lorne loves this whole idea of armoured fighting. He build himself a chain maille shirt, and a rather interesting hood which fits over the eye protection. Looks a little odd, but hey...at least nobody is going to lose an eye.
And there is the birthday girl watching they guys fight. I am trying to keep order with a little white stick. I understand a white cane is the universal symbol of being blind, and since I am the referee, a white stick might well be appropriate as well.
The balloons make a nice touch!
Six pack abs...like rock. Like rock I tall ya!
The fella on my left, he probably cut himself shaving. Skinny bloke...
And I am sure I posed for this picture only a couple of years ago!
I love these photoshopped bugs! For one thing, they are quick and easy. I spent my blogging time today on my armour blog....http://southtowerarmouringguild.blogspot.com.
click on these pictures to enlarge.
From the outside, the windows are mirrors. I still think she is one brave lassie!
Sit down, take a load off. Bet this toilet is in a house with an owner who has no dangly bits.
Moo. Moo. Moo I say! (No, I don't know why...)
And just for fun, here is a link to REAL bathroom humour! Let me know if it works! This is the first time I ever did a link like this.
http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=45b3eb7bd61ab2a513d4 Some of them are pretty elaborate. This is when Kat Van D. was in juniour school! And Rob looks his usual photogenic self here.
Really cool coif, a copper stripe circling it. In the background is my little hobbit door, a remnant of my first booth way back in the Orangeville days, what, 13 years ago!
This is Ashley and her new toy. I was so torn about hiring her because she was so NOT comptetent, but at the same time, was so attractive. And when she bought that leather bustier, I had NO difficulty attracting men onto my deck. I eventually decided that the swords and knives attracted the men just fine, thank you.
But her picture is still pretty clickable!
And the drummers. They were really neat, but they did not put on the same kind of show as the great Kodo drummers of Japan! These guys had to do it all with talent instead of good looks.
I think the upper story looks pretty darned good!
From up on the deck, looking into the festival. Thats Donovan's maze in the distance, and the beautifully painted House of Musical Traditions beside us. The mirror is hanging on that beautiful old oak tree. This time of year was a little scary because the acorns would be falling like hail from time to time. That nice space beside the ramp for the deck was good for Dudley, he could sit in the sun or in the shade, whichever suited him.
This is the "fair" side of Stag House. Most such buildings are kind of weird since they look medieval from the fair side, but fairly normal from the backstage side.
I meant for this pic to go in tomorrow's post, but this is the last show I caught at the festival...Toronto's Kodo Drummers put on a really good show.
The little gargoyle which decorated the back beam. You can see how I nailed steel to protect the wood. It didn't work....that beam is FULL of ants.
My big old rams heads, and the eye of Osiris I brought back from Malta. This is from the pub deck, looking into the "pit". The pit was there to provide a safe place for customers to swing a sword around. It must have worked, we had zero incidents in the nine years we were open. (Okay, there was "one", but that's a long story.)
From the pub deck, looking under my balcony and across the front of the HMT booth to the concession stands in the distance. I had just put in the decorative wheel brackets, and was "quite" taken with them.
One of the beam ends in front....these guys are just too cute for words. I still have one of them!