
A travel journal....a diary....a place to kick back a bit. Laughter and poignancy are correct here. Rants are, well, for my OTHER blog.
And here is the sales booth. Obviously it was just before opening because of course, once the opening bell goes, the people are wall to wall. Also you know the show is not open yet because Brenda is actually sitting down! You can see my armours in the background, and a new way to display the swords at the side. This method seems to have been very effective...the swords can be seen, yet they are well out of the way. I brought my carved sign, and am thinking it was less than effective...perhaps if I had hung it a lot higher. Gosh knows I had the space.
So thats the 8 by 8 workspace I spent the weekend in. What a job!
Last try....that sword is moving really fast at that point, and the sweat is just glistening!
And the mat disintigrates into a blizzard of little flakes of outraged grass mat!
You have to click on these pictures to see them properly.
And sometimes the camera just HAS to move a bit to take in the scenery.
Painted gold
New York, New York (the fans spray from right to left, one after another.
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's Amore! (see the hearts?)