Saturday, February 05, 2005

Big Guns!

Today I got to fire a 8 inch black powder howitzer. Admittedly, I had to pay for the priviledge, but hey, it was cheap at twice the price. I was up at the Rinella Gun Battery where the 100 ton cannon is, and they have a howitzer all set up. They have to keep pointing it in different directions because the blast scares the horses stabled in the area. Oh well. Shot by shot, the dollars will roll in, and they will be able to afford some more repairs.
A nice day, roughly 50 degrees Farenheight all day. Clear and sunny. I do believe I picked up a sunburn!
My friend Mila and I poked around fort St. Angelo this morning. It is a stunning fort...much in demand by many different groups. You can see pictures of all these places, and the big gun on my web, in the Library.
Had a lovely dinner in Mosta, at the Tal Koppola. The best desserts in Malta, in my opinion. And now I can say that I have found Maltese food I actually like...the rabbit in Spagetti was superb. The pizza (three cheese...mozzarella, blue and goat cheese) was well spiced, and sprinkled with sesame seeds. A pleasant change from the usual North American napalm on a crust. The water at 4 bucks a litre came from Scotland, and was a good choice...normally of course I would have had a "Kinnie" (as soft drink that tastes like a cross between a coke and a jar of, don't think too long about it...the result actually is great) or a cisk beer (good and cold Martyr!) but water was best.
Mila is enjoying herself, and is finally un-jet lagged. We moved to a larger room with a spare bedroom for her, and she seems happy. I think her back is still aching from one of the Layland busses which dropped into a hole whilst we were traveling through the "three cities".
Carnival is still on...kind of cute seeing all the kids in costume. Sort of like Halloween back home, but for the whole weekend.
Regards from Malta.


Martyr73 said...

Sounds like your having a good time. I bet firing a round off with that Howitzer was a blast! No pun intended, of course. :)

Ovonia Red said...

Wow--we're practically neighbors right now! Anyway, I'm glad that the weather has turned peachy and whatnot. Have you gotten any SCUBA diving in?


. said...

I need one of those guns for my apartment :D