What it looks like now. This is all that is left of the magnificent castle you see in the painting on the previous post. Here is the link to a closeup of that picture.... http://www.christusrex.org/www2/berry/DB-f8v-d2l.jpg
I always liked this tower (The Guinette Tower) since in floor plan, it looks like a four leaf clover! It is actually too dangerous to approach closely, or enter. Several other similar towers exist, Chateau Galliard for instance, are also built on the four leaf clover floor plan.
(from the web site....)
Ce donjon de l'ancien château Royal aujourd'hui disparu, a été édifié vers 1130-1150. La tour servit de prison à la reine Ingeburge l'épouse de Philippe Auguste qui l'avait répudié le lendemain de leur nuit de noces. L'architecture du donjon qui se distingue par sa forme quadrilobée, est représenté dans le fameux manuscrit médiéval "les très riches heures du Duc de Berry". Conservé sur presque toute sa hauteur (environ 27 mètres), le donjon est construit en moellons et chainée aux angles.
The Donjon is the big central tower, (we get the word dungeon from the same word), and you can see that it lobate...like four round cylindrical towers squeezed together.
If you click on the link "Diaporama" above, you will see closeups of that tower. Actually, they are better pictures than the one I uploaded here, but this one is taken from the same angle as the painting...grin!
1 comment:
That's a shame that it's in such a deplorable condition.
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