Sunday, May 13, 2007

Measuring the drawings 2005

Back in 2005, I measured the drawings for the armour below. The armour is not bright and shiny...sorry! As you can see, it has been preserved with axel grease which is pretty solid and soapy by now. From the above measurements, I went on to build the breastplate below, as well as a pretty backplate to go with it.

The armour is just big enough for a 14 year old. It is hard to imagine that at one time, it fit a fighting man.


Anonymous said...

It's interesting how big people are now compared to a couple hundred years ago.

Food and nutrition. Vegetables and fruit whenever we want them, vitamins, abundance.

I wonder when we will 'max out'?

Tall, not wide....

Jennifer said...

Wow! That's really interesting that they are so small. Hope you're having fun! Can't wait for an update.

Jennifer said...

Wow! That's really interesting that they are so small. Hope you're having fun! Can't wait for an update.

. said...

I could swear I've seen something like that last time I came down to visit. Was that the piece that you reproduced?