Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Pride week. Thats Pride? Note the bicycle helmet....good to how he is riding safe.

This is just wrong.....

And sometimes the camera just HAS to move a bit to take in the scenery.

click on the images to enlarge...if you have to.


coastalcutie2000 said...

And they say people in San Francisco are strange. That guy in the last photo is just bragging...

Anonymous said...

I wonder.... now that it's legal to get married in Cali, and it's not such a taboo thing to be gay there, if the outrageousness will start to subside a bit.

The feeling I've had is that the over the top is to compensate for the every day hiding of their regular identities.

Or, maybe it' will just get even crazier. Who knows.

STAG said...

There's worse....
Of course, its not for me to judge, but.....

I am sure God loves every one.

coastalcutie2000 said...

Well, if the world can put up with my craziness, who am I to say anything against anyone else?! Hee

How is you world treating you Mr. Bill? Say hi to the grandbabies for me, but please don't ever invite me to one of your pinata parties... I LIKE seals.

Sweeti said...

Ewwwww is right, Is it really legal to be seen publicly like that? In the second picture notice the little girl sitting there like a little sponge taking in all this weirdness.
Some things are just morally wrong and that little girls parents should be giving that some thought.

I hope your having a great summer Bill.

STAG said...

As always Sweetie, it is good to hear from you. How goes Mister's Knife shows?

And PCM...seals ARE kinda cute, in a wild sort of way. They bite rock star's wives, and destroy their body weight in uneaten fish a day. Overcrowding means they are riddled with parasites, and distemper killed half of them three years ago because, well, there were just too many of them. The seal hunt benefited mostly the natives of the Canadian North who were trying to earn a living instead of depending on welfare, and gave some employment to those expensive fishing boats which would have sat idle otherwise. Mostly they are hunted nowadays for their meat, which feeds those self same natives, as they have for centuries.
I prefer more useful creatures, like bats, but I do have to admit they seals have the good advertising, and are much more photogenic. And you never hear of seals marching in a pride parade....

coastalcutie2000 said...

njnhhmgqFair enough! I just don't know that I could watch even the pinata dying, I am just too sensitive...

And thank goodness they DON'T ride in Pride Parades. Can you imagine all the people wanting to stroke that soft fur? EEEEEWWWWW again!! Makes for a whole new set of shivers, eh? You'd never get that purple outta the fur.

coastalcutie2000 said...

Oh, BTW Sweeti,
I agree with you totally!

oregoncelticlady said...

Hahahahhahah! Gotta love the Pride Parades!!! ahaaahah! Those men (especially the last one in the gray jeans) are going to HURT something!!!! ahahahahah

Jennifer said...

To each his own. It's so strange though, because NONE of the homosexual or bisexual people I know would ever in a million years put themselves on display in these kind of outrageous get-ups. They have too much PRIDE for that.

STAG said...

My point exactly Jen!

jonny said...

maybe it' will just get even crazier. Who knows

luke said...

I agree with you totally!