Sunday, October 23, 2011

Oh no! There's more!


Middle Child said...

And tell me do they all have baked pumpkin after hollowing out those huge ones? They're trying to bring this in over here - we don't have halloween but in later years there is the push in shops to make us think we should...even noticed these pumpkins on sale for the first time

STAG said...

Well, these pumpkins are hollowed out, and the seeds are separated and roasted. (yum) Often some of the flesh is cut out, but normally not...the big ones are too stringy to make really good pies.
To get the "lanterns", you have to either hack triangular holes in the too too solid flesh with a knife which is always too dull, or you can whittle the opaque outside rind away to give this effect. Lately, the tendency has been to go fancy like this if you have the talent. They now sell little saws special made for this craft.
Pumkins designed for pie are normally much smaller, about the size of a baby's head, and are usually sliced into segments. The pumpkins....not the babies...
Then the segments are placed on a cookie sheet, buttered and brown sugar and cinnamon is baked into it.
Of course, we simply slash them with swords, battle axes, and heavy flanged maces. The effect is marvelous!

Middle Child said...

Really interesting - We use pumpkkins in roast dinners - they are usually a green or greeny blue on the outside - one is called Queensland blue and the other Jap (oooahhh) they are baked with butter - am thinking if yours are the sweeter variety they may be more like the Gramma's we had as kids and had that in gramma pies more as a desert - without all the electronic communication, in a few hundred years all the English speaking countries would probably become almost foreign to each other as you can see that the customs were different and would have become more so but for TV etc