Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Warning Decals

I don't know why I find this funny, but darn it, I guess I'm going straight to hell 'cause I do! Seems there was a fellow who stole a car in Winnipeg, drove it like a maniac, then crashed it into another car. A bunch of people dragged the thief out of the car and laid a beating on him, and sent him into the hospital. Talk show hosts are having a field day taking calls from people who think he either DID get what he deserved, or he DIDN'T deserve that! I wasn't there, but the debate is still ongoing, and I have little opinion one way or the other, but I tend to believe that somebody who engages in a felony, endangers a lot of people, and seriously injures another person should be taken out of the gene pool.

Now a fellow Winnipeger named Travis Blair has decided to create a sarcastic bumper sticker (reproduced above by permission) warning other would be car theives.


Jennifer said...

That is crazy!

Frustrated Writer said...

I could use a bumber sticker like that...