Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Suny Demo 08

Weekend Demo at the State University of New York. Not really spectacular, no swords n stuff, (homeland security is funny about furriners with weapons...grin!) but lots of armour and chain mail. I brought a nice anvil, and a few hammers and didn't do nearly enough work, instead I put all kinds of people into armour, chain, and had a lot of interested SUNY students swinging a hammer. It is in support of SUNY's medieval club, their "May Day" celebration. Nice club....and heavily supported in Potsdam by the local SCA group, providing a good "town-gown" continuity. Really good people there, need more support...more people to go down and help them with the armour and such. Certainly they need no assistance with the fighting...those fellas were awesome fighters! I put the "fighting" posts up on my armouring blog


Jennifer said...

Wow! That's really terrific of you to go down and help them out with their celebration. And I love your outfit! I should check to see if any of our local colleges have a medieval club.

coastalcutie2000 said...

Wow, Sir, you have wayyyyy too much fun! But I have to ask you, which Jedi are you?!!! Ooops, wrong fair, hahahahaha.

Seriously, the work looks great as usual, and the outfit works for you on so many levels!

I wish the Renaissance fair that is in Ashland Oregon, near here wasn't such a commercial racket any more, because I thoroughly love to attend such events. Oh, well... Love to read your posts!