Monday, August 01, 2005

Harry Potter...

Can't help it...just read the book. Am I the only one who has figured out the truth yet? I used to wonder if Dumbldore was really Voldemert in disguise (think about it, ever see them both in the same room together?) however the disgusting events which led to the assumption of the cat lady to the head mistresses chair seem to have put paid to the matter how titilating that would have been. Actually, I have a new theory. You see, that scar that Harry has on his forehead...thats one of Voldemort's horcruxes. Perfect timing....kill the parents, leave a piece of the old soul right there where no body would ever suspect. It would explain why it hurts when the big V is around, and also why Harry could speak parceltoungue...he has a lot of V in him! Also, the hat had trouble...wanted to put him into Slytheryn at first didn't it? The hat comes down over the scar, so the immediate thing is to assign him to Sly house. But the hat has second thoughts. This is unusual for a hat.... and puts HP into Griffindor. And its hard to confuse a hat! Like does this happen often?
Makes more sense than the idea that Voldemort couldn't kill Harry because in actual fact, he was Harry's father. But this is probably too biblical for JKR...{And Lo, Harry's parents could not find room at the inn....}
I can't wait for the tenth book..."There's Something about Harry".
Now if I could just figure out who R A B would be. Reuben Albus Bumbledore....naaah.

1 comment:

. said...

One of the comics I read called "Goats" (check link on my site) has a very cool shirt.

Republicans for Voldemort.

Heh heh.