Friday, August 05, 2005

Pirates and global warming...

I always knew there was a correlation between pirates and global warming. Here is the complete explanation....

Makes as much sense as teaching that God created the world in 6 days....

This is an open letter to the Kansas City School Board, asking them to teach the theory that it was a giant floating spagetti monster that created the world. The logical reply is that not enough people are in this faith to take it seriously AS a faith, so they want 10 million people to stand up for this belief and demand that it be taught along side creationism.

They might get it. When Conservative premier Stockwell Day was asked if he wished to open the debate on abortion (after we had firmly slammed it shut after what...25 years!), he said, "Well, if there are enough people who want me to address the issue, I will do it". Wrong answer Stockwell! The next question was, "Well, how many people would it take to sign a petition for you to do it" Like a fool, he said, "I guess if a hundred thousand people want me to take up this issue, I will do it." Really, Stock, a hundred thousand? Nothing less? "Okay, if ten thousand people wanted me to do it, I would". That what do you suppose happened?

Oh sure, ten thousand people signed a petition for the Federal Government to re-open the abortion issue, but more than a hundred thousand people signed petitions to get him to change his name from Stockwell Day to Doris Day. The power of ridicule!

We notice these days that Stockwell Day is no longer a force in Federal politics.

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