Saturday, June 24, 2006

successful project

Brenda hates having her picture taken. Too bad. Because actually, this was HER project. It was a set of shields covered in felt that the kids visiting Rideau Hall could build up as part of the "Children's Activities". Brenda did the whole thing...I only made the shields and some stands that they shields would sit upon during the activity. The lady in the picture is Camille....the co-ordinator for children's activities at Rideau Hall. And I was looking as cleaned up as I ever get...after all, we were visiting the residence of the highest political rank in Canada, the Governor General. The project was in honour of the new Governor General Michaëlle Jean , originally from Haiti, and so her coat of arms is a crown (for the monarchy) and a sand dollar (for Haiti). A very simple coat of arms. The red one is the shield for the last Governor General, Adrienne Clarkson. She was of Chinese origin, hence the red, she had made a new life in Canada as a broadcaster, hence the phoenix and the lightning bolt. All in all, a very complicated coat of arms. The new one is much more sedate.

This was quite a prestigious contract, albeit a very small one. Gets me out of the house. Don't get to meet the mucky mucks though. In fact, I doubt she even knows there children's activities at her house....


Jennifer said...

Wow, you clean up good! :D And what a nice project for you all to be involved with.

Candy said...

I agree, you do clean up purty. I love the way the coats of arms represent who they are and where they're from. Good job!

STAG said...

Welcome back from Holidays Jennifer, and happy 34th birthday!

Candy, you are gracious, and precious. Thank you.

Pat Paulk said...

Cool shields!! Didn't know artists were supposed to clean up.

STAG said...

Well, I cleaned up as much as I ever do...visiting Rideau Hall is a little like visiting Windsor Castle in the UK or the White House in the USA. I WAS wearing my very best tee shirt!