Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Turned Fifty!

What a nice day. I turned Fifty Years old Today! I celebrated by traveling by motorcycle to the Smiths Falls Railway Museum, and crawling all over the cool displays.

The Dental Car (used to bring dentistry to remote Northern Communities during the '40s and 50's. There was a fun story about an Ojibiway woman who took two days to see the "person who is a doctor for the teeth". The 60 mile canoe trip normally took only one day, but since she had given birth the day before, she took an extra day. The newborn was found healthy and of course, had "no cavities". The doctor kept a library of kids books in the waiting room. It was theoretically a lending library, but as the story goes, he wasn't really all that worried about getting them back!

Four different kinds of cabooses. Some made at the Montreal Locomotive Works, some in Toronto. The oldest was from the twenties, and was heated by a wood stove. It was probably creaky even when it was new...but all the wood is original vertical matchboard. During the war, the cabooses were made of plywood, and the little potbellied stove burned coal. The youngest was built during the sixties, and was all steel. Layout inside was the same though!

The real display of course was the station itself. Rescued from certain destruction, it has been lovingly restored to its mahogany, hunter green and gold leaf glory of the flapper era!

A little museum, but still, a nice one. The Chinese Buffet afterward was welcome....it was the first meal I had had since the lunch at the Pirate Show! I didn't take my camera to either the Pirate Show (where I sold very well thank you!) on the weekend, nor at the Railway Museum. So I am awaiting permission from someone who DID remember to bring his camera and has posted them on his photobucket to allow me to show you all some of the pics of that event.

Busy weekend coming up! Fraser Highlanders at the War Museum. I want to see them perform, so the people who were coming over to armour in my shop...well, another time! In fact my weekends are booked solid until October! Well, should make for some interesting blogs.


Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday!!! The big 50, eh? Congratulations! The museum sounds cool. I love the story of the Ojibiway woman.

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday for yesterday.

Ontario Emperor said...

I could never be a woman.

I definitely couldn't be an Ojibiway woman.

Frustrated Writer said...

Happy birthday to you my man! I am envious of your train museum trip as I love trains and museums. This one sounded like a good one! Can't wait for the pics!

Page Turner said...

Happy Birthday! We have a museum in my town that's all about transportation and there's a really cool locamotive in there that I love to crawl on.

If I'd known it was your eye hiding in my shoulder I would have saved it for you. LOL

Dryzen said...

Joyous belated happy birthday!