Saturday, December 31, 2005

English Wheels are finally in!

(click on the above to enlarge)
I know, getting new English Wheels is nothing to really get excited about, really, but woo hoo! That was my big shop purchase of the year. And I also know that almost nobody has a clue what an Engllish wheel actually IS! I'll put pictures up tomorrow, but for right now, I am just happy to finally get this tool I have heard so much about for so long. It is a fairly simple machine....A flat wheel 2 inches wide, and 8 inches across forms the top wheel. The bottom wheel is a bowling ball...or rather a slice of one. The metal is moved between the two wheels, and they magically form the steel into, oh, a fender, or a breast plate. Well, that is the plan anyway.
Major piss offs, aside from the inch of ice on everything here.......Fed Ex ground. Honestly, I have never had so many problems as when I started using Fed Ex ground. Its no cheaper than UPS, but it seems that one in 8 shipments goes wonky somehow.
Oh, enough bitching. The day was lovely, trees looked like they were made from glass! I had a rare case of sunlight glinting off the ice covered branches, with a gentle snow squall. Couldn't quite see across the St. Lawrence River for the was so pretty! And tonight! My Ed the Sock Hot Tub Party. Hope all my blogging buddies can make it....should be a perfect evening to blow in the new year.

The cartoon strip? seems that my friend Rxxxxxxx was one of the actors at the new vendor run Ren Faire which took over from the professional faire this last summer. There have been dozens of oddball things happening...people outright lying to us is only one of them. (The bare faced lies is why I am not putting money into this show.) I am blown away by the fact they actually ran a faire...but when you think about it, how hard is it when everybody is behind you? The vendors all will do their part, the beer pretty much sells itself, so where can you lose money? Especially when you don't pay your actors! Rxxxxxx and many other actors simply did not get paid. And so a dream crumbles.....

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