Saturday, January 07, 2006

The daily grind

(click on image to enlarge)
Went to the auction last night. Picked up a couple of items....a wrought iron piece, a poker I think, and a fire tongs. the fire tongs were pretty plain, but the under bidder wanted them. So, I got the poker for half of the 12 bucks I paid for the lot. Thats all right. I am SUCH a Ferrengi....grin! I have GOT to put up a place on my web site for all these auction "finds"...I keep buying this stuff for re-sale, and liking 'em so much that I keep them.
Today, building up a nice 2 piece back and breast plate. I am so looking forward to getting my English wheel will reduce the pounding on steel dramatically! Well, thats the plan anyways! In some ways I like the pounding....makes a nice pump in the arms, strengthens the grip. However, I can only do this for about 2 hours a day, spaced out into 4 half hour sessions. Makes for a very unproductive day! It only takes about 8 or 10 hours to make a 2 piece cuirass, but if you can only work on it for a couple hours per day, well.....the orders start to stack up! Since today is Saturday, I will be getting visitors. Jean V. will be dropping in to work on his armour...2 years in the is the "stick to it" attitude which I really admire.
Well, "to horse".

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