Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Cold and flue season

The last week I have had a classic winter cold. Now Brenda has it. We have been avoiding all Xmas parties, and have not gone out anywhere. Heck, I have not even gone to work. Its given me an excellent opportunity to catch up on my web site, add another blog to the list, bring this blog onto beta. That was a bit annoying since Brenda already had a g-mail account, I had to change all the passwords and stuff just to log in. Its all part of the "google empire". Instead of having one user name and password, I now have three. I don't see much more reliability in blogger, and it gives "crackers" and "spammers" yet another way to get into my system. For those of you who have not had contact with me in few days....I am still trying to figure out what usernames and passwords will work to leave comments. Apparently it is different whether you are on beta or not....

And I can't post pictures this morning. Right...beta is better. Right. grrrrrr.


Mz.Elle said...

Ohh I'm sorry you've been sick.
I hope Brenda gets well soon:)
I'm fighting off something lurking around the corner but with everyone around me catching something I think it's a losing battle.

Jennifer said...

I do hope you are feeling better. Blogger hasn't been letting me load pictures for several days, so I'm not sure it matters.

Frustrated Writer said...

Wow, all the commments I made earlier were posted as anonymous. Wonder why? Hmm... oh well, I'm not too sure I like the beta better either. Frustrating at times and you know I'm already frustrated...

Unknown said...

Of course, all my comments seem to be made by Brenda! Its her account!

Unknown said...

Yeah, the beta version sux, my avatar is lost forever. maybe they will be de-bugging it soon.


. said...

The other sucky thing is beta blogger breaks the RSS feed. Which means I had no idea your blog was being updated Stag :(. I'm going to fix it right now.