Saturday, September 10, 2005


I love visitors. Brad and his wife Chris are staying over. He spent some time building some armour yesterday, and if he had his way, he would be spending all his time today making armour. However, since they came all the way from Winnipeg, Chris wants to see some of the city. Well, who can blame her. She was very nice all day yesterday, being very bored while the men were playing. Now it is Brad's turn to check out the Pompeii exhibit at the museum, or the war museum or whatever Ottawa offers.

Don't know who will be dropping by today to make armour, but it sure is nice to have visitors!

I was originally going to rant a lot about something I found on the "cyber law" site, but I think I shall save it for my "rant" blog.

It is just too nice a day to rant. I'll get these few armour commissions out of the way, and then maybe see about dropping some deck blocks into place!

1 comment:

. said...

If you like visitors, I find that getting a keg fridge and access to hot tubs will greatly increase them, hehe :D.

Stag you should check out this blog:

Its a very awesome blog when it comes to digital rights in Canada, I highly recommend it.