Friday, December 16, 2005


(click on image to expand it)

A broken heart is a terrible thing. A fellow in Western Mass. left a diamond ring in a dude's car...with a note that perhaps it will go to somebody who knows love. Its a 15 thousand dollar ring! Oh My! This story here...;_ylt=AghJjuG3tmJNK2u22NjjC_8uQE4F;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTc-

And of course, my blogging buddy Pei Ling over at seems to be an angel with a broken heart. I have featured her poetry here from time to time....if an old Cossack like me can enjoy it, it must be special!

I carry your silence
In my heart
I wear your image
on heavy glass shapes.
It is scratchedand worn
in perpetual soft focus.
Your silence is
a dull bladethat I gut passion with.
Each cleft crushesmore cleanlythan a clean cut.
Your image is an overlaythat I tween with razors
Too few pixels were sampled,so you are left,a flawless gouge
on my left breast.
I carry your silencein my heart.
Sometimes I forget it exists.
Sometimes it b-b-breaks.


Jennifer said...

That is such a sad story!

Pirate said...

broken hearts are hard to heal.

julie said...

Exquisitly tender.