Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Another week!

Another week, another helm! These are quite pretty...the visor comes up and overhead, to sit in back. The simple most straightforward SCA helm I make! The gorget has been fire coloured. Yeah...I'm showing off...grin!

Just had an interesting visit from an old friend. He is an amazing person, lots of life experience, very interesting, and psychotic. I mean, REALLY diagnosed truly Manic. Even under the control of his medication, he is a bit challenging to be around. I get the feeling that I am in a cage with a rattlesnake...and if I do or say the wrong thing, I may precipitate an unfortunate event. Not that I am worried for my safety, but rather the safety of our friendship. I think everybody has a friend who does odd things...but it helps to know and respect people who have real problems to realize how minor the idiotic behaviour of your boss or co-worker really IS. As a retailer of swords and knives, I often have to deal with people that have an unfortunate attitude....and I refuse to sell to somebody who I think is more than a little eccentric. Since anybody who buys weapons is de facto eccentric, this tends to be a value judgement.
A lot of my friends don't want to have anything to do with someone with a mental illness. Like, Dude, you CAN'T catch it...its not contagious! Such people fall into the category of "interesting". Lets face it, they are incredibly more interesting than a dozen people I know whose babies are their life... or those whose jobs define their world, or who spend inordinate amounts of time on line.

Ah well...back to work...bashing metal. Trouble with a job like this is that you are by yourself all day. It is good to have yourself as company, but there is a tendancy to think too much.



Jennifer said...

Stag, you are a wise man to realize that some people should not be buying your products! And yes, I'd much rather be around someone who is eccentric or "interesting" than the hordes of people who live like robots in a carbon-clone world of business suits. My brother is psychotic, and unfortunately I've had to make the decision that I cannot have a relationship with him. He refuses medication and is incredibly violent.

STAG said...

The choice to not make a relationship is a choice. It must have been traumatic to finally make the choice between your family and your brother. My heart goes out to you, and my prayers go out to your brother.

Seeker said...

One of my favorite friends was William Denker, whose father brought DuPont to Mexico and was a very well-known businessman. "Memo," as everybody calls him, is nutty as a loon. In his 60's, never been married. Has a two-story house with every wall covered floor to ceiling with books. He's read every one of them and can tell you where every one is at. The rest of his house is piled knee-high in junk.

I used to be his favorite preacher when he was drunk, which was all the time. On the few occasions he was sober, he found my sermons unbearably boring.

. said...

I hope I'm not too loony for you Stag. I promise if I buy a sword and someone angers me, I will dispense justice with a crowbar and not the sword. :D

On a more serious note, I know EXACTLY what you mean about the psychotic friend. A person like me tends to attract crazies. But this guy is like a loaded gun. He's always going insano and freaking out. I think I've decided to just not have anything to do with him. Having a friendship with him is just too mentally damaging.

And its pretty bad if *I* can say that about someone :D

STAG said...

Zlanth, I think of you as a force of nature more than a rattlesnake. Being in a cage with you is more like being in a cage with a Rhino. S'long as I keep giving you bales of hay ( Beer and Warcraft), you'll be fine. But if you took it in your head to go (say) North, NOTHING, not brick walls, bars or cattle prods would keep you from going North.

. said...

Thank you for the complimentary analogy. :D