Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day Hearts

In reverse order, here are three hearts for the ladies in my life....or at least, in my blogs.... all unrequited love alas!
The flower for Jennifer.....the um...piercing for Pei Ling, and the sunflower for the one who got me into blogging, Ovonia Red.


Ovonia Red said...

Awww, thank you. And I love sunflowers too. They really are the most cheerful flower--big and clumsy, but full of character. How can anyone see a sunflower and not smile?

peebrain said...

heh thanks for the valentine, bill! too bad my belly resembles three Goodyears stacked together, so I'm not looking to pierce my navel soon -- but nipple rings? MAYBE.... HOOYEA! :P

Jennifer said...

Stag, you are such a sweetheart! I wasn't online much yesterday so I just now received your valentine. Thank you very much!

STAG said...

Clever ladies....

Mike said...

beautiful flowers! it looks as though you are finally on the straight and narrow. Satan has released you from his grips and you are headed away from him! Join our church now to repent for the rest of your sins and you still might have a chance to Battle Satan and the Antichrist in the time of the last reconning.
God 1
sinners 0

crallspace said...

I like the armor you design. IS it a lucrative business?

STAG said...

Blow it out your ass Maximus.....

crallspace...hardly lucrative, barely pays the bills. But the upside is that I don't have a commute, I don't have a boss, my footprint on the environment is quite small, and I can set my own hours. I am OUT of the rat race.

Seeker said...

To me, it's just amazing that there is a guy who makes his living building medieval body armor and giving broadsword lessons...and that I know him (well Internetly speaking, anyway)