Thursday, February 23, 2006

Its only a hockey game....

Its no shame to lose to Russia. They played brilliantly. Like they had a play book on the ice with them. Canada merely played extremely well. They have finished out of the medals. Ah well. It won't make me turn to drink!

Course, this is only Men's Hockey. The ladies brought home the medal for Women's Hockey, and there is no doubt in my mind if THAT team were up against the Russian Men's team, they would have body checked them back to Moscow.

Curling does NOT belong in the Olympics. Sorry. Even though we are doing so well, it STILL doesn't belong.

grumble grumble grumble


Jennifer said...

Stag, how unpatriotic of you! LOL I've been wondering how curling got in myself...

Seeker said...

Yeah, it's like shuffleboard on ice. Who makes these decisions?

. said...

Curling would be better if it was done to the death.
