Sunday, March 05, 2006

To donate or not donate...

The Ontario government is introducing a controvercial new legislation to allow doctors to harvest your organs if you have NOT signed indicated otherwise on your driver's licence. Theoretically, you can sign something on your licence now...but I just checked...its laminated...I could not sign anything if I wanted to! So I would have to go down to the license bureau, get a new licence...sign something on the form before it is made into a laminated card if I want to not be butchered like a sheep. So, unless I want to go through the hassle and expense between now and 2008, when I would have to get a new one looks as though I will end up in pieces.
Ah well...just have to look on the bright side...
To Remember Me
Give my sight to a man who has never seen a sunrise, a baby’s face or love in the eyes of a woman.
Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused nothing but endless pain.
Give my kidneys to one who depends on a machine to exist from week to week. Take my bones, every muscle, every fibre and nerve in my body, and find a way to make a crippled child walk.
Explore every corner of my brain. Take my cells and let them grow so that someday a speechless boy will shout at the crack of a bat and a deaf girl will hear the sound of rain against her windows.
If you must bury something, let it be my faults.
If you do all I have asked, I will live forever.

(but a choice would be nice...)


Jennifer said...

That is so beautiful. Did you write it? In Ohio, we have stickers that go on our license if we DO want to donate our organs. If you don't have the sticker, you remain intact. I am a donor.

STAG said...

Oh goodness me no! I am not that talented. I don't know who wrote it....its one of those things which has been floating around for years.

. said...

I've heard in some places, you get a big discount on your license fees if you want to be a donor.

THAT would get better results IMO.

I'm not a donor. Tho I wouldn't mind if someone needed my brain. Being Frankenstein would rule. :D

Allan said...

My parts are used up.
I wore too much chainmail when I was a kid. Seriously.