Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Risque Tee Shirts

Its tee shirt season! Invented in Italy between the wars, they were picked up as undergarments for the US Military as they made the long walk up the boot in '44. After the war, they became part of the clothing worn by the disaffected lost generation, and was made famous by James Dean, the rebel without a cause.(and others!) During the '60s, tee shirts became decorated with paints, and silk screens to an extent difficult to imagine nowadays! Of course, now it is hard to find a tee shirt which is not decorated in some way these days.

I bet you do honey. But then, how would you ever enjoy the line dances, hog roasts and tail gate parties?

I like to do what I am told.
So I did.
Well now that THAT is out of the way....
But I still need a map....


Jennifer said...


Anonymous said...

hmm, interesting displays for sure...