Saturday, October 29, 2005

Halloween Scary things....

The most scary thing I have been up to this Halloween weekend is to nail up shingles on my roof. At least it isn' t a 12 in 12 pitch,but it is close....about 9 in 12. That is just a little too steep to stand on! Oh when will I ever learn to build roofs that are not so darned steep! My knees are raw, my insteps are stretched like rubber bands (cept rubber bands don't hurt that bad!) I believe that putting up shingles is pretty nearly one of my most hated jobs.
Ah well, it looks good though.

Finish this off tomorrow, and then carve out some pumpkins. I have not done a Jack 0 Lantern in years! Of course, come next Tuesday, we'll be taking our Katana's out for some pumpkin carving. This should be fun!

Wish I was at your party Zlanth.....but seeing as how I have the flu it is probably best that I stay home. I'll hoist a brewski in yer honer though. I always get the flue after I get a flu shot. They say you can't get the flu from the flu shot...its dead! Hah! I think it just kicks the crap out of your immune system so that you pick up whatever galloping lung rot happens to be in the air at the moment! So, I taught my class in a whisper last night, and today, there is NO voice left at all. Singing in the shower is an exerience...I have to turn the water off to hear myself!

Well, I suppose I should be grateful for small things....the fact that I CAN actually climb on a roof and hit nails. (I notice that as I write this that there is a little twinge of pain everytime I hit the T, G, B , F, R and V. Clearly not every nail I hit with the hammer was made of steel!) I have posted a wonderful pic of Gratitude. Thanks, Dribbleglass!


Jennifer said...

I love the "gratitude" picture! I hope you're feeling better soon.

Ovonia Red said...

I've caught some nasty bug myself. I'm blaming the students. S'all their fault.

No one can beat my Halloween horror story of being hit on my a 12 year old.

I always love the Inspiration spoof posters. Makes me glad to know I'm not the only one who sees them for the crock they are.


Duke_of_Earle said...

Hey Stag,

Thanks for the drive-by comment. Come back often. I don't usually rant about pet peeves, but every now and then I can't help myself. It's amazing how much reaction and empathy they (the peeves) sometimes generate.

I understand about the roof experience. Here in South Texas there's rarely any snow, so most roofs have a shallow pitch. Still, I stay off of mine unless it's absolutely necessary to go up there.

All the best!


M. C. Pearson said...

Hey Stag~ Hope you feel better soon. I'd say 'at least you can blog and be heard' but your hands hurt so bad that you probably shouldn't even do that. Have a cup of tea with honey and suck on a lemon. Either you'll puke or feel a little better!

I just got done carving pumpkins with my munchkins and am making a bunch of chili for dinner. Ah, I love FALL!!!

Jennifer said...

BTW, this reminds me that I need to write a post about bats. Not scary at all!

. said...

Don't worry Stag, I raised a great many number of pints to ya :D.