Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The ride to Pembroke

Looks like the College has decided to meet my price and will pay me to drive all the way to Pembroke, teach a four hour class, put me up for the night, and teach another 4 hour class the next night! For the price I demanded! You got to remember, its a 3 hour drive. In Winter. In Canada.
Now, this is a class on how to fight with a sword! The class is not nearly as dangerous as the drive! Fortunately, its a drive on a major commuter route, so it should be free of snow and ice. mostly.
I'm actually quite tickled at this, not least because I know I will be teaching mostly military guys from the big army base right there. I like teaching military...when you tell them to listen up, they, like, listen up! Wonderful!

Next trick of course is figure out how to make this a very attractive class. Promotional materials, and so forth. Should be interesting, I am not really good at promoting myself....not that I am shy, (nobody thinks I am shy!) but I really don't know where to start! When we decided to promote the class at the College, we watched as different departments formed little kiosks and displayed books of "what we do" to interested students. Jean and I looked at that setup in amazement, and proceeded to bring in suits of armour, swords, and a live display! I suspect it was this display which has resulted in the course being so amazingly popular. But I cannot do that at a venue three hours away, so I am sort of wondering how to do it.

So why (you may well ask) am I promoting myself instead of having the college doing it for me. Isn't that what they are paid to do? Well....actually, after watching the Ren Faire collapse due to insufficient promotion, I am nervous about hitching my wagon to somebody else' s promotional horses.

Well, looks like my work is cut out for me this morning!


. said...

Stag, I'm really happy they worked that stuff out with you. I remember you weren't pleased about that last time we spoke.

Good luck with the promoting. If you need any help, I'd be happy to. Or hell, if you're just in town and want a pint, my door's open too. :D

Jennifer said...

Sounds very exciting! I'm sorry, I don't have any promotional ideas for you.

M. C. Pearson said...

Wow, I wish I could take your class!!! My son wants to learn fencing but there are no classes like that here in podunk boonie central. How I miss civilization! Flyers are always good--get some medievil type graphics and tell them to sharpen their swords. Maybe there is a display case that you could use with the armor on the remote campus ?

STAG said...

I like that idea!

STAG said...

Well, good news and bad news...they can do it, but not until January! December at the Armouries seems to be booked with Christmas parties in any case. Since I will be taking February off, that leaves only a few weeks in Jan to give this course. We are going to try one on a Saturday (21 Jan 06) which should be a real drag. Most people can't even STAND UP for 8 consecutive hours, let alone train. I won't be able to do it for 8 hours in armour I don't think!
They have decided they don't really like the consecutive overnight method (nor do I especially) and are willing to pay the mileage for trips all the way to Pembroke. (High fives all around!) Will make for good long days..leaving here around 1:30, and getting home around 1 in the morning!
Ms Pearson...if you want me to fly to podunk boonie central, I'll be there any weekend in November or December you name! I'll have my people talk to your people.

M. C. Pearson said...

If only I had 'people'! Maybe when I am a rich and famous author I'll be able to do just that!!! Hey, I may also need some pointers because I'm going to have my protagonist learn some fencing in my next book! Yikes, I only know how to handle a rifle with a bayonette (not that I spelled that right...?) I wish comment had spell check = my crutch!!!

STAG said...

Hey Lightning Bug, glad you dropped by! I was lurking on your blog, and really liked it.

What do I teach....well, (cue mystic music here...) I teach honour, courtesy, loyalty, faith, courage, prowess and courtesy, all by beating it into my student's hard heads with simulated heavy broadswords. In short, I teach European broad blade fencing. In full armour.

Yeah...I really do!

M. C. Pearson said...

Oh Stag! You must have been bored out of your mind to read my pathetic attempt as a Junior High Playwright! You earn the prize my friend!