Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Musical Ride

My Canada Day included a full days work in the shop, a steak barbeque, a visit to my friend Myrna's place on the motorcycle, a surprisingly lovely ride home in the rain, a tip to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police barracks to watch the sunset ceremony, and of course, fireworks on Parliament Hill afterwards. Wild Day!!

The musical ride is entirely an RCMP production. The ride itself is a fancy cottillion of lines of horses going in fancy circles, charges, and needle threading. They are world famous for the horsemanship, and many of the horses were presents from the Queen. The horses are all black, and trained to handle noise, gunshots, bands playing and so forth. Considering how spooky most horses are, this is amazing.

Posted here are a few pics of the sunset ceremony. The Musical Ride is only a small part of the sunset ceremony, which includes police dog demos, ring lancing, pistol shooting from horseback, and sword work. (click on images to enlarge)

From the top down....Constable Macy going for the ring with his lance at full gallop

Constable Macy stabbing the bad guy (the straw filled sack) with a sword

Minister and his wife being escorted in the carriage.

The largest number of red coats I have seen outside of the set of "Zulu".
(Kind of like that pic...there are several uniforms on display)

The bottom pic is Constable LeClaire holding a pistol, which he will be shooting balloons with during the jump. I believe they use wax bullets.

These action shots are a little blurry, but they are kind of exciting. They also do "tent pegging" with their lances. I could not get any good pics of that because they were tent pegging in front of the dias across the way!

Personally, I find the stuff these guys do for fun to be more interesting that the musical ride itself.


Jennifer said...


Medusa aka expiringpoet said...

wow, sure been busy havent you?! Your Canada Day sounds fun; in Singapore Land, National Day is sadly one bloated excuse for government propaganda. Sigh :(

Happy Canada Day!