Saturday, July 22, 2006

Trip to Ogdensburg

The "Og" is not a spectuacular town, but it is pretty enough in a time worn way. There was lots of money there once, but, like so many town in upstate New York, industry has sort of passed it by this last century. It's high points include the Fredrick Remington Museum, the bridge to the USA, and the 7 years war re-enactment this weekend. If you get a chance to visit the Fredrick Remington museum, I believe you will find it was worth the trip! Remington was one of the foremost "western" painters and sculptors, and I'll bet you have seen his work decorating hotel lobbies and fine homes all your lives! All the originals are there at the museum...a converted home. Pride of place is the huge painting of Teddy Rooseveldt charging up San Juan Hill. But, like I said, you gotta see it in person! to the re-enactment! I'll have some great pics tomorrow! woo hoo!

1 comment:

Frustrated Writer said...

Remington and Russell are two of my favorite western artists. I will definitely have to make the trip! They have some of both of their stuff in the Cowboy Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City. Looking forward to the pics.