Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Free Bob!!!!!

Former moose head owner Ken Procyk, left, and Mark Bonokoski take their campaign to Queen’s Park yesterday. ( photo....Craig Robertson, Sun)

Bob is a moose head.

Specifically a family heriloom which he sold, like so many people do, on eBay.

Ken Procyk ( like me, a Ukrainan-Canadian!) had been given the moose head by his father, who in turn had been given it by a hunter. But Ken didn't have a licence to "export pelts". Bob was impounded at the border, and Ken was served with a hefty fine. 250 bucks from the Canadians, and 560 bucks in "storage fees" from the Americans.

In fact, armed officers arrived at his home, and served him papers!

I think you should check out Mark Bonokowski's column in the Sun. It will certainly challenge any residual ideas you might be having that "bigger government is better government".


Go Ken. Go Mark. Go Bob!!!!


. said...

Years ago when I was coming over the border (had road tripped to Mardi Gras) I was wearing an animal claw around my neck -- yeah, voodoo shops in New Orleans are hilarious.

Just as we were pulling up, I figured I should tuck it into my shirt just in case.

While mine was just a creepy keepsake and not a family heirloom, I'm glad I did it anyway... Cause I got to keep mine :D

Jennifer said...

Don't the mounties have anything better to do?!