Saturday, April 29, 2006

The shoulders

Most people are surprised to discover how much more material goes into the back of their shirt as opposed to their chest. That is one reason why the back plate is so much more interesting to make than a breastplate...there is more space to work with, and more scope to make it look pretty.
You have to prepare the piece by laying it onto the anvil, and pushing out the ridge. A body has very little ridge between the shoulder blades. Then, when you are happy with the way it looks between the shoulder blades, you flip it over so the inside is now laying over the curve of the horn of the anvil. Working with the rubber mallet, you curve the arm opening until it starts to look good. Some gentle work with the mallet and anvil will bring the space beween the arm holes more three dimentional. I sometimes make the triangle above the shoulder blades a little more three helps to cover that bump you can feel on your back just at the base of your neck.
Eight out of ten people who read this have just felt for that bump. That bump is half inch long piece of bone that sticks out of your spine at that point, and it would really really hurt to break it!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I am loving this educational series you're writing! I really had no idea what all went into making a suit of armor. Then again, before I met you, I had no idea anyone still made them.